Friday, August 28, 2009

When it rains it poors!!!!!

Lets see what happens since we moved in Nov.
The Battery died in Travis pickup and the windshield is cracked. We were hit by a car on Christmas day. My tooth brook and I had to be fixed. Travis hand was broke in many places. He was put on light duty for 1-2 months at work. Travis had to have 3 teeth pulled. Lucky are dental insurance paid for that. But wouldn't pay for my tooth after the care wreck.
Our medical Insurance company deiced after 15 months to bill me for Izabel birth instead of pay for it. So we been fighting them to get the primary and the secondary insurance to pay for her birth. Make me wonder how people have 18 kids.
The Roof started leaking over the heater vent pipping area. SO now it going to cost 4K to get the roof fixed. There is wind and hail damage on the roof and 2 layers and boards have to be taken up.
The Car we got to replace the car that was recked on Christmas day deiced to stop running today. We had to have it towed today. Since it the weekend, it will be Monday before anyone even looks at the car. I hope it still under warnetey. Looks like all 3 of use wont be going anyway, as the pick only fits 2 people. We then had to go get a battery for our old pickup another 100+ dollars, just so my husband can get to work.
I hope and pray that nothing else goes wrong this year. Other then that we are alive. I hope 2010 is better then 2009.

Monday, August 10, 2009

19 months old

Just a couple of pictures to see what she looks like at 19 months old


I forgot to post picture of Izabel and Daddy at zoo. She was trying to escape out of his arms.
